Nicholas Grafia
Tunnel Vision (Going Tru Da Motions), 2018
Painting - Acrylic, Oil, Gouache & Spray on canvas
150 x 125 cm (59 x 49 in)
$ 20,000.00
Further images
This painting served as a visual script element to the performance „The Accursed Ones', premiered in 2018 at Museum of Modern Art Warsaw. Partly inspired by Edward Kienholz' tableaux 'Claude...
This painting served as a visual script element to the performance
„The Accursed Ones", premiered in 2018 at Museum of Modern
Art Warsaw. Partly inspired by Edward Kienholz' tableaux
"Claude Nigger Claude", this painting negotiates motives and
feelings of dismorphia, apathy, emptiness and loss of identity of a
person of color. Facing the mirror on a daily basis, turns into a
nightmare and the question arises what kind of image you want to
project onto yourself before going to sleep and before stepping
out to the world at daytime. A psychological tension and
exhaustion is projected into the figure.The disarrangement of
physical organs, such as the eyes, further intends to renegotiate
and discuss the understandings of intimacy and voyeurism within
the painting.
„The Accursed Ones", premiered in 2018 at Museum of Modern
Art Warsaw. Partly inspired by Edward Kienholz' tableaux
"Claude Nigger Claude", this painting negotiates motives and
feelings of dismorphia, apathy, emptiness and loss of identity of a
person of color. Facing the mirror on a daily basis, turns into a
nightmare and the question arises what kind of image you want to
project onto yourself before going to sleep and before stepping
out to the world at daytime. A psychological tension and
exhaustion is projected into the figure.The disarrangement of
physical organs, such as the eyes, further intends to renegotiate
and discuss the understandings of intimacy and voyeurism within
the painting.