Sunny Expectancy Chris Ballantyne

Peres Projects is pleased to present Sunny Expectancy, a solo exhibition by Chris Ballantyne. 
From: Chris Ballantyne
Subject: sunny expectancy...
Hey I also thought you might be interested in this correspondence I had
with my aunt about some of my drawings. I had sent her some of the same
attachments I sent you a while back and well, got a far more interesting
response than I expected...
"One of the drawings flashed across my screen saver and reminded me I
hadn't responded. I am not a modern art aficionado so I don't quite
understand where your thoughts are with the drawings. My first thought
was they are empty chairs, very well done in line art drawings, where
are the people? Are they waiting for the people to come? They are grouped
expectantly like the morning at a sunny resort. The greenish yellow color
is the mind, 3rd chakra, and fourth, heart, chakra, so there is a sunny
warm expectancy. The cliff in one adds to the expectancy. They don't feel
dark, in fact there is a playful lightness about them and the "expectancy"
theme comes through in all of them."
Wow. Maybe she ought to write for Art Forum or something.... give it fresh
perspective! Any way, not to knock it, but I thought that was more profound
than any critique I got in grad school.
How does Sunny Expectancy sound for a title? Chris
Chris Ballantyne's (b. 1972, Mobile, Alabama, lives/works in San Francisco) approach to his art practice takes in an observation of the American landscape as he provides subtle commentary on our obsession with landownership and domination - of the land and of each other. Ballantyne uses paintings, drawings and sculptural installations as his primary modes of expression and relays his work with aerial views depicting familiar urban and suburban environments which he presents in a manner that creates what he has called "an uneasy sense of quiet". Empty pools, white houses, fences, windows and highway overpasses are among the subjects he often employs to explore complex relationships between people and our surroundings.
Sunny Expectancy will be on view at Peres Projects, Los Angeles (969 Chung King Road, Los Angeles, CA 90012) through August 9, 2003. Hours: Wednesday through Saturday, from 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M and by appointment.