Berlin: Mourning Opulence

Andreas, Superfuture, 2023年2月26日

Hailing from Geneva, artist Jeremy (1996) makes his debut at Peres Projects gallery in Berlin with Mourning Opulence, a solo exhibition which puts extravagance, fantasy, lust and sensitivity – the focal points of the artist’s work – front and centre. Soaked in pink and enhanced with deliberately over-elaborate vases, the show takes viewers on a journey off the beaten track of heteronormativity, whose invisible yet omnipresent veil is subverted by a queer gloss. Drawing from both mythology and video games, the Jeremy envisions his practice as world-building. Each painting opens the door to a new territory with its own protagonists, adventures, rules and language. Large-format works alternate with smaller canvases, which punctuate the show like commas allowing for moments of pause.