Yves Scherer — From Fantasy or Fiction, Towards an Observation of Direct Environment.

Katja Horvat, TISSUE Magazine, 2017年2月1日
His oeuvre is quite versatile, so it's hard to describe his process of work as it kind of changes depending on a series he is working on. But his most known work is probably the one that includes Emma Watson, Kristen Stewart, Kate Moss and Johnny Depp, so from that point of view, it's safe to say that at least in one type of work his artistic tools evolve from media and pop societies products. Those topics do not only serve him as a conceptual starting point but rather as an inspiration. And even though he sometimes takes his ideas from the internet, movies, movie stars… language and how he translates images from abstract to the physical state, is what plays a central role in his body of work. His work one could say is a mixture of longing, fantasy, rejection, engaged in the social convention of pop culture. Anyway, Yves Scherer is definitely one of the names you should put on your radar if you haven't already. He has something very intriguing going on, and we like it, whatever it is, we like it.