Anton Munar | The Garden Dies with the Gardener
Peres Projects, Berlin -
Peres Projects荣幸为您呈现1997年出生于丹麦哥本哈根的安东·莫那尔(Anton Munar)的首次亮相个展:《园丁离世,花园枯死》(The Garden Dies with the Gardener),该展览也是艺术家在柏林举行的首场展览。
—— 亚瑟·兰波(Arthur Rimbaud),《谵妄 I》(Delirium I),《地狱一季》(A Season in Hell)
安东与他画中风景间的关系,被他视作随着时间推移而变化、发展和扩张的友谊。这些风景来源于他对自己童年时期在西班牙马略卡岛上的花园的想象,并加以诠释而成,那是一个满是松树的富饶岛屿,而松树也常常出现在他的画作中。作为安东与自然对话的入口,常青的松树常常在他的画作中处于中心位置。安东与马略卡岛松树间的关系让我想起黎巴嫩裔美国画家和作家埃特尔·阿德南(Etel Adnan)曾经说过的一句话。在一次采访中,当被问及她所遇到的最重要的人是谁时,她回答道:“一座山”,从而透露出塔玛尔巴斯山始终在她的生命中占据核心地位。我敢说,马略卡岛的松树也在安东的生命中占据着核心地位。
—— 埃特尔·阿德南(Etel Adnan),《塔玛尔巴斯山之旅》(Journey to Mount Tamalpais)
——由玛雅·佐伊·萨顿(Maya Zoe Saadon)撰文
Anton MunarA un cantante muerto - to a dead singer, 2022Painting - Oil on linen35 x 24 cm (14 x 10 in)
Anton MunarCon Amor, 2022-2023Painting - Oil on wooden drawer29 x 20 x 6 cm (11 x 8 x 2 in)
Anton MunarEn sus manos de tierra / In their hands of earth, 2023Painting - Oil and paper on wood14 x 18 cm (6 x 7 in)
Anton MunarQuiero decirtelo con la muerte / I want to tell it to you with death, 2019-2023Painting - Oil on linen160 x 120 cm (63 x 47 in)
Anton MunarHundiéndose en aguas viejas / Sinking into old waters, 2022-2023Painting - Oil and paper on wood10 x 20 cm (4 x 8 in)
Anton MunarCon tus pies sobre la tierra / With your feet on the earth, 2022Painting - Oil and distemper on wood drawer43 x 28 x 6 cm (17 x 11 x 2 in)
Anton MunarLo que la muerte se diría / What death would say to itself, 2023Painting - Oil and distemper on wood14 x 18 cm (6 x 7 in)
Anton MunarCon tu luz decimos adiós al día / With your light we say goodbye to the day, 2022-2023Painting - Oil, distemper and collage on wood drawer44 x 85 x 11 cm (17 x 33 x 4 in)
Anton MunarUnos cuerpos son como flores / Some bodies are like flowers, 2022-2023Painting - Oil and distemper on found wood36 x 38 x 2 cm (14 x 15 x 1 in)
Anton MunarSabe de nadie / Knows of no one, 2021Painting - Oil and pencil on paper30 x 21 cm (12 x 8 in)
Anton MunarJóvenes y cansados, 2022-2023Painting - Oil on wood, nailed to wood frame22 x 15 x 4 cm (9 x 6 x 2 in)
Anton MunarFaz de la tierra, 2018-2019Sculpture - Wooden escritoire with painted drawers and paper collages110 x 100 x 52 cm (43 x 39 x 20 in)
Anton MunarCerca de los olivos / Near the olive trees, 2023Painting - Oil on linen51 x 76 cm (20 x 30 in)
Anton MunarVision de Tramuntana / Vision of Tramuntana, 2023Painting - Oil, ink and charcoal on linen76 x 76 cm (30 x 30 in)
Anton MunarSon Verí de mí Marés, 2022-2023Painting - Oil, distemper and chalk on linen215 x 170 cm (85 x 67 in)
Anton MunarMaya en Pina / Maya in Pina, 2023Painting - Oil on linen86 x 55 cm (34 x 22 in)
Anton MunarSomos tres, 2021Painting - Ink and charcoal on linen180 x 60 cm (71 x 24 in)
Anton MunarAl sentir la pereza de la muerte, 2021-2022Painting - Oil on linen187 x 60 cm (74 x 24 in)
Anton MunarLos tuyos, 2022Painting - Oil and distemper on linen44 x 58 cm (17 x 23 in)
Anton MunarHe tenido que recobrar el tiempo, 2022Painting - Pigment on linen175 x 60 cm (69 x 24 in)
Anton MunarMás temblaban los olivos, 2022Painting - Distemper on wood244 x 47 cm (96 x 18 in)
Anton MunarSombra de mí mismo, 2022Painting - Pastel, chalk and distemper on linen186 x 60 cm (73 x 24 in)
Anton MunarCon manos timidas, 2021-2022Painting - Oil on linen35 x 27 cm (14 x 10 in)
Anton MunarSi tu sombra no te llega, 2021-2022Painting - Oil and ink on linen105 x 135 cm (41 x 53 in)
Anton MunarCuando cae el tiempo, 2021-2022Painting - Oil and ink on wood with burlap40 x 30 cm (16 x 12 in)
Anton MunarLo que el deseo nos pregunta / That which Desire asks us, 2021Painting - Oil on linen35 x 27 cm (14 x 11 in)
Anton MunarMi tumba si fuera poeta, 2021-2023Painting - Chalk on linen97 x 170 cm (38 x 67 in)
Anton MunarQuemado por la luna, 2022-2023Painting - Oil on linen35 x 27 (14 x 11 in)
Anton MunarTodo ha nacido ya / Everything has already been born, 2022-2023Painting - Oil and distemper on canvas242 x 172 cm (95 x 68 in)
Anton Munarnunca veo nada aquí´, 2019-2021Painting - Oil and gouache on linen61 x 43 cm (24 x 17 in)
Anton MunarNo guardes el silencio, 2022-2023Painting - Oil and distemper on linen55 x 80 cm (22 x 32 in)
这是安东·莫那尔在Peres Projects举办的首次个展。莫那尔思考其作品的物质性,并富于玩味地使用多种材料,包括油彩、混合颜料、水粉、墨、炭笔、粉笔、粉彩棒和色粉,他将这些材料混合并施在布面、亚麻布面或木材上,而木材又常常来源于偶得的家具、抽屉等物件。通过浓厚的颜料层次,艺术家构建出富有感染力的构图,汇集着从爱的内驱力中汲取的碎片化叙事,在这些作品中,内外空间交织在一起,幻觉般的景象渗透到现实世界中。莫那尔于2023年在丹麦皇家美术学院获得美术硕士学位,近期个展地点包括英国圣奥尔本斯Painters Painting Paintings(2023年)、荷兰阿姆斯特丹diez画廊(2022年)、丹麦哥本哈根Galleri Q画廊(2020年),群展地点包括丹麦哥本哈根夏洛滕堡艺术厅(2023年)、美国洛杉矶CASTLE画廊(2023年)、Peres Projects首尔空间(2023年)、丹麦哥本哈根Marie Kirkegaard画廊(2022年)、英国伦敦Claas Reiss画廊(2021年)、丹麦哥本哈根Alice Folker画廊(2021年)、荷兰阿姆斯特丹Indebt Studios(2021年)及丹麦皇家美术学院(2019年)。
Anton Munar Preview Peres Projects, Berlin
Past viewing_room