이안노네의 페미니즘은 1970년대 급진주의의 분리주의와 구분되는 미묘한 차이를 가진다. 그녀의 예술을 단정하기보다는 아이처럼 순수하다. 또한 이안노네는 분명히 남성을 좋아한다. "당신은 남성임에도 정복당하지 않을 것이다." 그녀의 작품 곳곳에 적힌 주석 중 하나다. "수 세기 동안 당신의 연약함을 바라보며 당신의 성에 대한 나의 사랑은 더욱 커졌다."
- 2013, 도로시 이안노네에 대한 에이드리언 썰(ADRIAN SEARLE) 평론, 더 가디언 중
도로시 이안노네(1933년 미국 보스턴 출생 – 2022년 독일 베를린 사망)는 선명하고 힘이 넘치는 회화, 드로잉, 판화, 영상을 포함해 그녀가 1960년대부터 그리기 시작했던 신체적 결합과 황홀감에 빠진 여성과 남성을 묘사한 오브제로 잘 알려져 있다. 그녀의 세계에서 규칙이나 한계, 시간 감각은 존재하지 않는다. 자유를 향한 계속된 투쟁, 동시대 문화와 검열에 대한 도전과 함께, 그녀는 우리에게 억압당하거나 착취당하지 않고 생생히 살아있는 여성적 섹슈얼리티의 시각을 선사한다.
The Statue of Liberty, 2019Painting - Acrylic on wallDimensions variable
As shown, 355 x 265 cm (140 x 104 in)Edition of 3 plus 1 AP -
Always Alluring, 2019Painting - Acrylic on wood173.5 x 143 cm (69 x 57 in)
Luminous, 2012Painting - Acrylic on wood190 x 150 cm (75 x 59 inches)
The Sheltering Sky, 2010Sculpture - Gouache and acrylic on paper on wood53 x 52 x 16 cm (21 x 20 x 6 inches)
Brokeback Mountain, 2010Sculpture - Gouache and acrylic on paper on wood53 x 54 x 18 cm (21 x 21 x 7 in)
The Queen of the Amazons and Achilles, 2007Print - Color silkscreen on paper53.5 x 63.5 cm (21.06 x 25 inches)
Framed dimensions: 62 x 72 cm (24 x 28 in)Edition of 180 plus 10 AP -
Unusual Report on the American Woman, 1977Mixed media - Acrylic, india ink and collage on canvas coated cardboard50 x 40 cm (20 x 16 in)
Framed Dimensions:
72 x 61 cm (28 x 24 in) -
Flora and Fauna, 1973Painting - Color silkscreen on paper59 x 72 cm (23 x 28 in)
Framed Dimensions: 70 x 83 x 4 cm (28 x 33 x 2 in)AP1, Edition of 30 + 5 AP -
I Love To Beat You, 1969/70Painting - Acrylic on linen mounted on canvas190 x 150 cm (75 x 59 inches)
Lady Liberty Meets Her Match
Dorothy Iannone 15 March - 19 April 2019 Berlin페레스프로젝트는 도로시 이안노네(Dorothy Iannone)가 갤러리와 함께하는 네 번째 개인전 ≪자유의 여신상, 그녀의 짝을 만나다(Lady Liberty Meets Her Match)≫를 개최한다.Read more -
Strange Messengers
Group Show 14 September - 26 October 2018 BerlinPeres Projects presents Strange Messengers, a group exhibition presenting strategies and reflections on navigating contemporary life including works by Dorothy Iannone, Ad Minoliti, Donna Huanca, Rebecca Ackroyd, Manuel Solano, Jack...Read more -
Wild Style: Exhibition of Figurative Art
Group Show 10 June - 5 August 2016 BerlinPeres Projects is pleased to present Wild Style: Exhibition of Figurative Art, a group exhibition exploring depictions of the human figure by contemporary artists and unidentified African artists active from...Read more -
My Heroine And Her Mate
Dorothy Iannone 17 January - 28 February 2015 Berlin페레스프로젝트는 1989년 서베를린에서 열린 전시 이후 처음으로 도로시 이안노네(Dorothy Iannone)의 초기 추상 작품을 함께 선보인다.Read more -
Group Spirit
Group Show 28 June - 9 August 2014 BerlinPeres Projects is very pleased to present Group Spirit, an exhibition of works by contemporary artists along with works of unidentified African artists from the Bassa, Gola, Mende, and Vai...Read more -
Sunny Days and Sweetness
Dorothy Iannone 17 March - 21 April 2012 Berlin페레스프로젝트는 도로시 이안노네(Dorothy Iannone)의 두 번째 개인전 ≪맑은 날과 다정함(Sunny Days and Sweetness)≫를 개최한다.Read more -
Get behind me Satan and push
Group Show 17 April - 19 June 2010 BerlinPeres Projects is pleased to present Get behind me Satan and push, a group exhibition with works by Frank Benson, Spartacus Chetwynd, Mariechen Danz, Amie Dicke, Kaye Donachie, Iris van...Read more -
This Sweetness Outside of Time
Dorothy Iannone 9 April - 29 May 2010 Los Angeles페레스프로젝트는 도로시 이안노네(Dorothy Iannone)의 첫 로스앤젤레스 개인전을 개최한다.Read more -
Read My Lips
Group Show 26 January - 23 February 2008 BerlinPeres Projects is pleased to present Read My Lips, a group exhibition with works by Nobuyoshi Araki, Dan Attoe, Dan Colen, Colt Studios, Joe Bradley, Bruce LaBruce, Amie Dicke, Kathryn...Read more
The passion projects of Dorothy Iannone
Hettie Judah, Apollo Magazine, January 2, 2024 -
Censorship, masturbation: who is Dorothy Iannone, the transgressive and feminist artist exhibited at M HKA?
Matthieu Jacquet, Numéro Magazine, December 22, 2023 -
M HKA Presents a Retrospective Exhibition Featuring the Extensive Oeuvre of American Artist Dorothy Iannone
Kame Hame, Widewalls, October 18, 2023 -
Dorothy Iannone at M HKA: art’s original bad girl
Sofie Van Hyfte , De Morgen, October 13, 2023 -
Remain Forever True
Gesine Borcherdt, Ursula Magazine, May 1, 2023 -
In the studio with… Dorothy Iannone
Apollo Magazine, June 20, 2022 -
From Studio to Dinning Table: Dorothy Iannone
Julia Keller, Schirn Magazine, May 16, 2021 -
Dorothy Iannone and Juliette Blightman
Camilla McHugh, Artforum, May 1, 2021 -
What is honest sexual liberation? What do pure pleasure and gender equality freedom look like?
Numéro Berlin, April 1, 2021 -
The Future is Female
Sebastian C. Strenger, Weltkunst, January 1, 2021 -
Dorothy Iannone, artiste non exclusive
Guillaume Lasserre, Mediapart, December 29, 2019 -
Dorothy Iannone is Lady Liberty
Angela Hohmann, Der Tagesspiegel, April 14, 2019 -
The Next Great Moment in History is Ours: Dorothy Iannone
Kasia Redzisz, Mousse Magazine, April 1, 2019 -
The Transformation of the Historic Gropius Bau Embodies Everything That’s Wonderful About Berlin
Kate Brown, Artnet News, February 14, 2019 -
7 Booths not to miss at Independent New York 2018
Cultured Magazine, September 3, 2018 -
Art shows to leave the house for this month
Ashleigh Kane, Dazed Digital, July 13, 2018 -
Dorothy Iannone: COS x Serpentine Park Nights
Dorothy Iannone, Port Magazine, July 13, 2018 -
New High Line installation is an ode to the Statue of Liberty
Ameena Walker, Curbed, March 16, 2018 -
An Alternative History of Art: Dorothy Iannone
Hans Ulrich Obrist, BBC Radio 4, March 15, 2018 -
8 Must-See Artists at New York’s Independent Art Fair 2018
Jillian Billard, Artspace, March 9, 2018 -
The Golden Door: Dorothy Iannone Brings Three Statues of Liberty to the High Line in New York
Andrew Russeth, ARTnews, February 23, 2018 -
Dorothy Iannone
Trinie Dalton, PINE Magazine, January 1, 2018 -
Cook for you
Barbara Casavecchia, Spike Art Magazine, April 1, 2017 -
Dorothy Iannone’s ‘Linage of Love’ at KIOSK, Ghent
Blouin Artinfo, January 23, 2017 -
Curator Wim Waelput on Dorothy Iannone’s current show at KIOSK in Ghent
Sophie Verhulst, The Word Magazine, January 19, 2017 -
On Dorothy Iannone
Trinie Dalton, The Massachusetts Review, June 1, 2015 -
My Heroine and Her Mate
Pablo Larios, Spike Art Magazine, April 1, 2015 -
Ekstatisch feminin
Ruthe Ingeborg, Berliner Zeitung, January 26, 2015 -
My Heroine and Her Mate
Ana Bambic, Widewalls, December 29, 2014 -
Making Muses: Dorothy Iannone’s Erotic Art Was Inspired by Dieter Roth
Nicole Rudick, Hyperallergic, December 14, 2014 -
An Ecstatic Unity
Karen Archey, Flash Art International, September 29, 2014 -
The Whole Truth
Kirsty Bell, Frieze, September 1, 2014 -
For 50 years, this free love pioneer has painted the beauty of female sexuality
Katherine Brooks, The Huffington Post, June 4, 2014 -
Critcs Picks
Ana Finael Honigman, Artforum, April 10, 2014 -
Wir schaffen die Welt
Kia Vahland, Die Suddeutche Zeitung, April 9, 2014 -
What is ecstatic unity?
Marie-Sophie Müller, Sleek Magazine, April 1, 2014 -
Kommando Liebe
Yvonne Bialek, Der Freitag, March 6, 2014 -
Körperweltern, so sexy
Annabelle Hirsch, Die Tageszeitung, March 3, 2014 -
This Sweetness Outside of Time
Stefan Bock, Der Freitag, February 26, 2014 -
Das Hohelied des Körpers
Nicola Kuhn, Der Tagsspiegel, February 20, 2014 -
Dorothy Iannone in der Berlinischen Galerie: Erigierte Schwänze, pralle Schamlippen
Susanne Lenz, Berliner Zeitung, February 20, 2014 -
Kurios bunte Feier der Sinnlichkeit
Barbara Wiegand, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, February 19, 2014 -
So eine schamlose Frau
Karin Schulze, Der Spiegel, February 18, 2014 -
Dorothy Iannone: art’s original bad girl
Adrian Searle, The Guardian, March 13, 2013 -
21 Fragen an die Künstlerin Dorothy Iannone
Alexander Forbes, Blouin Artinfo, April 19, 2012 -
Clemens Krümmel, Frieze Magazine, December 1, 2011 -
I’m Still Game: Dorothy Iannone
Trinie Dalton, Paris, LA, June 1, 2010 -
Erotic passion serves as a guide
Sharon Mizota, Los Angeles Times, April 23, 2010 -
Best of 2009
Amy Sillman, Artforum, December 1, 2009 -
An Iconoclast Who Valorizes the Erotic and Ecstatic
Karen Rosenberg, The New York Times, July 30, 2009 -
Dorothy Iannone: September Gallery
Dominic Eichler, Frieze, November 1, 2008
Dorothy Iannone, On the Continuing Journey, Neue Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin
September 12, 2023Peres Projects is pleased to announce Dorothy Iannone's (b. 1933 in Boston, † 2022 in Berlin) , On the Continuing Journey, at Neue Berliner Kunstverein...Read more -
Dorothy Iannone, 1933 – 2022
February 16, 2023It’s with great sorrow that we announce the death of Berlin-based American artist Dorothy Iannone on December 26, 2022. For six decades, Dorothy Iannone (b....Read more -
Dorothy Iannone | Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg, Denmark
November 25, 2022Peres Projects is pleased to announce Dorothy Iannone 's solo exhibition at the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg in Denmark. The exhibition, which was...Read more
Art Basel Miami Beach
5 - 8 December 2019Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel Miami Beach from December 5 – 8, 2019. VIP Preview: December 4...Read more -
17 - 20 October 2019Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s FIAC from October 17 – 20, 2019. VIP Preview: October 17, 2019.Read more -
Art Basel
13 - 16 June 2019Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel from June 13 – 16, 2019. VIP Preview: June 11 – 12,...Read more -
18 - 21 October 2018Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s FIAC from October 18 – 21, 2018. VIP Preview: October 17, 2018Read more -
EXPO Chicago
27 - 30 September 2018Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s EXPO Chicago from September 27 – 30, 2018.Read more -
Art Basel Miami Beach
7 - 10 December 2017Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel Miami Beach, presenting works by Donna Huanca, Dorothy Iannone, Dean Sameshima, Mark...Read more -
Art Basel Miami Beach
3 - 6 December 2015Peres Projects is pleased to announce its participation at Art Basel Miami Beach 2015, presenting a solo booth at Art Basel Miami Beach of historic...Read more -
Frieze New York
14 - 17 May 2015Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Frieze New, presenting works by Dan Attoe, Mike Bouchet, Mark Flood, Dorothy Iannone, Marinella...Read more -
Art Cologne
16 - 19 April 2015Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Cologne, presenting works by Dan Attoe, Mike Bouchet, Mark Flood, Leo Gabin, Guillaume...Read more -
Art Basel Miami Beach
4 - 7 December 2014Peres Projects is pleased to announces its participation in Art Basel Miami Beach, presenting works by Mike Bouchet and Dorothy Iannone.Read more -
Art Cologne
10 - 13 April 2014Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Cologne, presenting works by Dorothy Iannone, Eddie Peake and David Ostrowski .Read more -
5 - 7 April 2013Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s MIART, presenting works by Dorothy Iannone, David Ostrowski, Dean Sameshima, Mark Flood and Dash...Read more -
Art Brussels
19 - 22 April 2012Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Brussels, presenting works by Marinella Senatore, Leo Gabin, Kirstine Roepstorff, Joe Bradley and...Read more -
ARCO Madrid
15 - 19 February 2012Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s ARCO Madrid from February 15 – 19, 2012.Read more -
4 - 6 November 2011Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Artissima, presenting works by Joe Bradley, Amie Dicke, Kaye Donachie, Mark Flood , Leo...Read more -
Frieze London
13 - 16 October 2011Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Frieze London, presenting works by Dan Colen, Leo Gabin, Dorothy Iannone, Alex Israel and...Read more -
6 - 8 November 2009Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Artissima from November 6 – 8, 2009.Read more