비선형적 대화 형식, 연극적 변장, 가면과 불분명한 신체적 형태와 심리적 상태에 대한 참조를 학제적인 작업 전반에 걸쳐 사용해, 그는 이성애 중심인 서구 사회에서 기존 권력관계와 관습을 자극하고 전복하는 동시에 세계사 서술에서 타자화되고 무시되었던 주제에 대해 비판적으로 접근한다.
- 2021년 봄-여름 10호 NUMÉRO 베를린 중
니콜라스 그라피아 (1990년, 필리핀 앙헬레스)는 역사적 아카이브에 개입하여 연구, 대중문화, 개인적 그리고 예술적 역사를 곁들여 화려한 시각적 작품으로 구성한다. 아카이브를 구성하는 내러티브에서 누가 포함되고, 누가 제외되는지를 검토함으로써 인종적, 성적 취약성에 대한 주제를 다룬다. 다양한 분야에서 작업하는 그라피아는 퍼포먼스와 회화를 넘나들며 역사적인 것과 퀴어 도상을 엮으며, 원형과 길쭉한 형태의 시각적 스타일을 발전시켜 화려한 분홍색과 파스텔톤 등의 색채 변주를 형성하며 부조리주의를 인지하고 식민 후기 이론을 심도 있게 담아낸다.
The Rose of Versailles, 2024Painting - Acrylics, Charcoal & Graphite on Canvas130 x 110 cm (51 x 43 in)
The Great Dictator, 2024Painting - Acrylics, Sharpie Marker, Ball Point Pen & Graphite on Canvas70 x 50 cm
27 1/2 x 19 3/4 in -
Shadowing the Labour, 2024Painting - Acrylics, Chalk, Charcoal and Graphite on Canvas150 x 130 cm (59 x 51 in)
We Fade to Grey (Black & Blue), 2024Painting - Acrylics, Pigments & Charcoal on Canvas100 x 85 cm (39 x 34 in)
Bedlam State of Mind, 2023Painting - Acrylic on canvas160 x 180 cm (63 x 71 in)
Seeing Through Their Mouths More Than Ours (Cleaning Out the Closet), 2023Painting - Acrylic on canvas216 x 483 cm (85 x 190 in)
Tunnel Vision (Going Tru Da Motions), 2018Painting - Acrylic, Oil, Gouache & Spray on canvas150 x 125 cm (59 x 49 in)
Limbo, 2018Painting -Acrylic on canvas80 x 80 cm (31 x 31 in)
Billie Does Europe (Broke 'n Free), 2018Painting - Acrylic on canvas125 x 150 cm (49 x 59 in)
Better Living Subdivision (Balita), 2018Digital Print on PVC70 x 80 cm (28 x 32 in)
Bulan's Twins (Shape Sisters), 2021Painting - Acrylic on canvas180 x 180 cm (71 x 71 in)
Clapbackcore, 2020Painting - Acrylic, hair and tinting paint on canvas160 x 180 cm (63 x 71 in)
Cleavage Control, 2021Painting - Acrylic on canvas140 x 160 cm (55 x 63 in)
Dead End Angel, 2021Painting - Acrylic on canvas140 x 160 cm (55 x 63 in)
Decisive Tan, 2021Painting - Acrylic on canvas100 x 100 cm (39 x 39 in)
Dip Toer (Having a Moment), 2020Painting - Acrylic on canvas68 x 56 cm (27 x 22 in)
Echo Liqueur, 2020Painting - Acrylic on canvas100 x 100 cm (39 x 39 in)
Finding Black Chelsea, 2018Painting - Acrylic and Indian ink on canvas70 x 70 cm (28 x 28 in)
Flex in Question, 2020Painting - Acrylic and hair on canvas80 x 80 cm (32 x 32 in)
Gaze Face I, 2021Digital painting on alu-dibond
Unique220 x 145 cm (87 x 57 in) -
Gaze Face II, 2021Digital painting on alu-dibond
Unique220 x 145 cm (87 x 57 in) -
I Saw The Devil, 2019Performance – performance view of I Saw the Devil at the Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, November 20, 2019
Malakas & Maganda, 2020Painting - Acrylic and tinting paint on canvas160 x 180 cm (63 x 71 in)
Milk Tooth, 2020Performance – performed by Nicholas Grafia and Mikołaj Sobczak at Alte Münze, Berlin, part of Ignition Cycle: Ecology Of Attention #2”, curated by Léna Szirmay-Kalos and Alexander Wilmschen, Mountains, Berlin, August 29, 2020
Prey...It Goes Away, 2018Digital Print on PVC90 x 64 cm (35 x 25 in)
Rose Monologue, 2020Painting - Acrylic on canvas77 x 80 cm (30 x 32 in)
Sick Building Syndrome (The Tea), 2022Painting - Acrylic on canvas160 x 200 cm (63 x 79 in)
Side Eye II, 2020Painting - Acrylic on canvas73 x 75 cm (29 x 30 in)
Soaping In The Grime, 2021Painting – Acrylic and graphite on canvas160 x 180 cm (63 x 71 in)
The Accursed Ones, 2018Performance – performed by Nicholas Grafia and Mikołaj Sobczak at the Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, September 22, 2018
The Trial Lounge, 2020Painting - Acrylic and graphite on canvas125 x 193 cm (49 x 76 in)
The Warlock (No Promises Kept), 2020Painting - Acrylic on canvas103 x 63 cm (41 x 25 in)
Threat Bed (Read for Filth), 2019Painting - Acrylic on canvas123 x 128 cm (48 x 50 in)
WATCHABACK, 2018Painting - Acrylic and gouache on hessian70 x 50 cm (28 x 20 in)
Weepers' Keepers, 2020Painting - Acrylic on canvas160 x 180 cm (63 x 71 in)
Yung Clean (Getting the Job Done), 2019Painting - Acrylic on canvas122 x 125 cm (48 x 49 in)
Group Show 26 November 2021 - 7 January 2022 BerlinPeres Projects is pleased to present Utopia , a group exhibition with works by Sholto Blissett, Harm Gerdes, Nicholas Grafia, Donna Huanca, Bayrol Jiménez, Shuang Li, Cajsa von Zeipel and...Read more -
Free Verse Spirit
Nicholas Grafia 30 April - 4 June 2021 Berlin페레스프로젝트는 갤러리 위켄드 베를린을 맞아 니콜라스 그라피아(Nicholas Grafia)의 첫 번째 개인전 ≪자유시 정신(Free Verse Spirit)≫를 개최한다.Read more -
what fruit it bears
Group Show 4 December 2020 - 15 January 2021 BerlinPeres Projects presents, what fruit it bears, an exhibition project presenting work by artists whose practices are radically individual, defying categorization, and yet together represent our time.Read more
Nicholas Grafia, Kulturstiftung des Bundes Magazin, October 1, 2021 -
Hands on Time: The Illusion of the End, Panorama Series
Simone Rossi, Cactus Magazine, October 1, 2021 -
Auf der Reise, Spezial: Gallery Weekend
Boris Pofalla, Monopol Magazin, May 1, 2021 -
Tipps zum Gallery Weekend: Kunst durchs Schaufenster
Birgit Rieger, Der Tagesspiegel, April 30, 2021 -
The Best Show’s to See During This Year’s Gallery Weekend Berlin
Carina Bukuts, Frieze, April 28, 2021 -
Artist to Watch: Nicholas Grafia
Robert Grunenberg, Numéro Berlin, Issue 10, The Sexxx Issue, April 1, 2021 -
Nicholas Grafia
Francesca Altamura, KubaParis, March 26, 2021 -
New Fauves
Colin Lang, Spike Art Magazine, December 19, 2020 -
fffriedrich gallery in Frankfurt: An exhibition in three acts
Luisa Del Prete, the ARTicle, September 20, 2020 -
PRUNE: Cudelice Brazelton & Nicholas Grafia
Cédric Fauq, Shoot the Lobster, September 14, 2019 -
Performance: Mikołaj Sobczak und Nicholas Grafia
Dortmunder Kunstverein, June 14, 2019
Frieze London
9 - 13 October 2024Peres Projects looks forward to participating in Frieze London 2024, taking place from October 9–13. Our booth will showcase new works by some of today’s...Read more -
Art OnO
19 - 21 April 2024Peres Projects is participating in ART OnO 2024 . We will present works by Yoo Jung Ellie CHOI, Nicholas GRAFIA , Donna HUANCA , Jeremy...Read more -
ARCO Madrid
8 - 10 March 2024Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s ARCO Madrid from March 8 – 10, 2024. We will present new works by...Read more -
Art Basel Miami Beach
6 - 10 December 2023Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel Miami from December 6 – 10, 2023.Read more -
Paris+ par Art Basel
19 - 22 October 2023Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Paris+ par Art Basel from October 19 – 22, 2023.Read more -
KIAF Seoul
6 - 10 September 2023Peres Projects looks forward to presenting a curated booth for KIAF Seoul 2023 with a selection of works by artists from the gallery program. Encompassing...Read more -
Art Basel
13 - 18 June 2023Peres Projects looks forward to presenting a curated booth for Art Basel 2023 with a selection of new works by artists from the gallery program,...Read more -
Art Basel
16 - 19 June 2022Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel from June 16 – 19, 2022. VIP Preview: June 13 – 15,...Read more -
21 - 24 October 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s FIAC from October 21 – 24, 2021. VIP Preview: October 20, 2021.Read more -
14 - 17 October 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s KIAF Art Seoul from October 14 – 17, 2021. VIP Preview: October 13, 2021.Read more -
Art Basel
21 - 26 September 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel from September 24 – 26, 2021. VIP Preview: September 21 – 22,...Read more -
Art Busan
14 - 16 May 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Busan from May 14 – 16, 2021. VIP Preview: May 13, 2021.Read more -
Frieze New York OVR
5 - 9 May 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Frieze New York Online Viewing Room from May 5 – 9, 2021. VIP Preview:...Read more -
EXPO Chicago OVR
8 - 12 April 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s EXPO Chicago Online Viewing Room from April 8 – 12, 2021.Read more -
2 - 7 March 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s FIAC Online Viewing Room from March 2 – 7, 2021.Read more