“나만의 고유한 방식을 몇 문장으로 압축하는 것이 어렵다. 나의 작업은 이러한 작업의 함축을 반대하기 때문이다(...) 내가 따르는 규칙은 없다. 내 작업의 퀄리티에 대한 아이디어는 있지만 이는 새로운 작업에 임할 때 마다 바뀐다.”
- 2022, 함 게르데스, 메탈 매거진 인터뷰 중
함 게르데스(b.1994, 독일 다름슈타트)의 회화는 색채, 구성, 물질성에 대한 추상적인 연구이다. 원거리 혹은 디지털로 포착된 작가의 작품은 최신 고해상도 비디오 게임에서 추출된 장면과 비슷하다. 그러나 더 가까이서 보면, 작가의 손길과 사용한 재료의 예상치 못한 즉흥성을 볼 수 있다. 우리 모두가 살아가는 현대적인 초현실 디지털 영역은 화면 위에서 현실적이고, 유형적이며, 촉각적으로 느껴진다.
Triple Approach, 2024Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas210 x 175 cm (83 x 69 in)
Yellow Painting, 2023Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas170 x 120 cm (67 x 47 in)
Distant Relatives, 2023Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas175 x 210 cm (69 x 83 in)
Tensor, 2023Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas170 x 120 cm (67 x 47 in)
Turquoise Symmetry, 2023Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas100 x 70 cm (39 x 27 in)
Chimera, 2023Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas100 x 70 cm (39 x 27 in)
Division and formation, 2023Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas120 x 170 cm (47 x 67 in)
Criss Cross, 2022Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas180 x 210 cm (71 x 83 in)
Concetto personale, 2022Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas183 x 103 cm (72 x 41 in)
Anthropomorphic, 2022Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas180 x 100 cm (71 x 39 in)
Chaos in the South, 2022Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas210 x 290 cm (83 x 114 in)
Polymer Party, 2022Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas180 x 120 cm (71 x 47 in)
Falling Stars, 2022Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas175 x 210 cm (69 x 83 in)
Untitled (23.04.2021), 2021Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas150 x 135 cm (71 x 71 in)
Untitled (14.05.2021), 2021Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas120 x 160 cm (47 x 63 in)
Untitled (19.07.2020), 2021Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas200 x 120 cm (79 x 47 in)
Untitled (08.01.2021), 2021Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas160 x 250 cm (63 x 98 in)
Untitled (19.07.2020), 2020Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas170 x 140 cm (67 x 55 in)
Untitled (31.08.2020), 2020Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas230 x 150 cm (91 x 60 in)
Untitled (01.07.2020), 2020Painting - Acrylic on polymer canvas220 x 150 cm (87 x 59 in)
The Autotuned Mind
Harm Gerdes 24 April - 31 May 2024 Milan페레스프로젝트는 함 게르데스(Harm Gerdes)가 갤러리와 함께하는 네 번째 전시이자 밀라노 공간에서의 그의 첫 번째 전시를 개최한다.Read more -
The New, New
Group Show 28 April - 11 June 2023 Seoul페레스 프로젝트는 서울의 새 공간 개관을 기념하며, 전속 작가 일곱 명의 작업 중 신작들을 한자리에서 소개하는 그룹전, ≪The New, New≫를 선보인다. 이들 중 몇몇 작가는 이번 전시가 한국에서의 첫 전시이다....Read more -
Harm Gerdes 16 February - 6 April 2023 Seoul페레스프로젝트는 함 게르데스(Harm Gerdes)의 서울 첫 개인전 ≪파노라마(Panorama)≫ 를 개최한다.Read more -
Synthetic Spirits
Harm Gerdes 10 June - 8 July 2022 Berlin페레스프로젝트는 베를린에서의 함 게르데스(Harm Gerdes)의 두 번째 개인전 ≪합성 정신(Synthetic Spirits)≫을 개최한다.Read more -
Group Show 26 November 2021 - 7 January 2022 BerlinPeres Projects is pleased to present Utopia , a group exhibition with works by Sholto Blissett, Harm Gerdes, Nicholas Grafia, Donna Huanca, Bayrol Jiménez, Shuang Li, Cajsa von Zeipel and...Read more -
Staying with the Trouble
Harm Gerdes 17 September - 8 October 2021 Berlin페레스프로젝트는 함 게르데스(Harm Gerdes)의 첫 번째 개인전 ≪ 문제와 함께 머물기(Staying with the Trouble) ≫ 를 개최한다.Read more
The Autotuned Mind. I dilemmi di Harm Gerdes da Peres Projects
Andrea Tricarico, Exibart, May 12, 2024 -
La pouring art di Harm Gerdes arriva a Milano
Emma Sedini, Artribune, May 8, 2024 -
5 Emerging Artists Whose Colorful Works Stand Out in Artnet’s Gallery Network This Summer
Artnet News, August 16, 2022 -
Following his Intuition
David Alarcón, Metal Magazine, July 1, 2022 -
In conversation with Harm Gerdes
Johanna Urbancik, Kaltblut Magazine, December 12, 2021 -
“Utopia” opens at Peres Projects
Nina Maria Schaarschmidt, Sleek Magazine, November 30, 2021 -
Harm Gerdes - Exports From The Digital Realm
Blackqube Magazine, September 1, 2021 -
Discoveries Harm Gerdes
Gallery Weekend Berlin, September 1, 2021
ARCO Madrid
5 - 9 March 2025Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in ARCO Madrid 2025Read more -
Frieze London
9 - 13 October 2024Peres Projects looks forward to participating in Frieze London 2024, taking place from October 9–13. Our booth will showcase new works by some of today’s...Read more -
Art Dubai
1 - 3 March 2024Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Dubai from March 1 – 3, 2024. We will present new works by...Read more -
19 - 21 January 2024Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s ART SG from January 19 – 21, 2024. VIP Preview: January 18, 2024.Read more -
Art Basel Miami Beach
6 - 10 December 2023Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel Miami from December 6 – 10, 2023.Read more -
Art021 Shanghai
9 - 12 November 2023Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair from Novemeber 9 – 12, 2023.Read more -
Frieze London
11 - 15 October 2023Peres Projects looks forward to participating in Frieze London 2023 with a curated booth that will showcase a selection of works by artists from the...Read more -
KIAF Seoul
6 - 10 September 2023Peres Projects looks forward to presenting a curated booth for KIAF Seoul 2023 with a selection of works by artists from the gallery program. Encompassing...Read more -
Art Basel
13 - 18 June 2023Peres Projects looks forward to presenting a curated booth for Art Basel 2023 with a selection of new works by artists from the gallery program,...Read more -
Art Busan
5 - 7 May 2023Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in Art Busan from May 5 – 7, 2023. VIP Preview: May 4, 2023.Read more -
ARCO Madrid
24 - 26 February 2023Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in ARCO Madrid from February 24 – 26, 2023. VIP Preview: February 22 – 23, 2023.Read more -
Art Basel Miami Beach
1 - 3 December 2022Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel Miami from December 1 – 3, 2022. VIP Preview: November 29 –...Read more -
Frieze London
13 - 16 October 2022Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Frieze London from October 13 – 16, 2022. VIP Preview: October 12, 2022Read more -
2 - 5 September 2022Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Kiaf SEOUL from September 2 – 5, 2022. VIP Preview: September 2, 2022.Read more -
Art Basel
16 - 19 June 2022Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel from June 16 – 19, 2022. VIP Preview: June 13 – 15,...Read more -
Art Busan
12 - 15 May 2022Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Busan from May 12 – 15, 2022. VIP Preview: May 12, 2022.Read more -
Art Basel Miami Beach
2 - 4 December 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel Miami Beach from December 2 – December 4, 2021. VIP Preview: November...Read more -
14 - 17 October 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s KIAF Art Seoul from October 14 – 17, 2021. VIP Preview: October 13, 2021.Read more -
Art Basel
21 - 26 September 2021Peres Projects is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Art Basel from September 24 – 26, 2021. VIP Preview: September 21 – 22,...Read more