In her recent work, Donna Huanca addresses the indissoluble schizodynamic basis of extrasen-sory modes of embodied cognizance. Her work discloses a discernment of mystical percipience as the outcome of translationally undeviating quantum dissipations of biosynthetic informa-tional particles emanating from sentient enti-ties. Consequently, in Huanca’s work, animate objects become dissipative assemblies in unclut-tered pseudo-differential architectures, upholding a mutable form that nevertheless remains distant from utter intransience by incorporating biosemi-otic contingencies and preternatural dynamisms from localized microbiological networks.
Aesthetic And Philosophical Investigations Around The Sentient Body And Its Biochemical Wreckages
Gerardo Contreras, Kaleidoscope Magazine, October 1, 2016